Sunday, September 14, 2008

hai guys... how are u. this my suggestion

As we know, global warming is one of the the natural disaster that we face in our life nowadays. These condition makes the earth feel more hot then the normal level. Global warming happen because the people burn the rubbish openly. The gases from there makes the level of temperature increase and it may bring a risk for our ozone layer. Indeed, the ozone layer being thinner and according to the reseordier there have a big hole in our ozone layer. Beside, these situation may increase the level of the water in the sea and may bring flood. So because of this dangerous situation, I want to suggest that we should create a video games software, which can gives an awareness to the public especially teenagers...hhuhuhuhuh....

Suggestion please.....huhuhu :-)

Hi, you all !

I have a bonus question for all of you today......hehehe. My question is can you all give any suggestion to stop the global warming issues? I know you all have a lot idea to share with me.....hehehe. Please give whatever that you though can stop this global warming issues but must be related with this topic because I don't want the strange or funny idea from you guys, so please be serious o.k.....huhuhuhu. So, what you all waiting for? start to brainstrom your idea right now!!!!! hahahahaa
